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from the Canny team.
How to Designate a Legal Guardian for Your Child in Under 5 Minutes
Designating a guardian for your child is now fast, simple, and secure with Trustie’s streamlined online platform.
Choosing Friends or Family as a Child's Legal Guardian
Making decisions about guardianship can be tough for parents. Do you choose family or friends? This blog post dives into this question and stresses the importance of preparation and communication for your child's future.
Guardianship: What Every Parent Should Know
Who will step into the role of guardian and what will their responsibilities be?
Your Guide to Witnessing in Massachusetts
Here is how to make sure your guardianship designation form is legally binding.
Choosing a Guardian: Important Considerations
Here are the key factors to consider when appointing a guardian for your children.
Do Godparents Automatically Assume Legal Guardianship?
Here's why godparents do not automatically assume guardianship.
Preparing for Your First Parents-Only Vacation: Top 10 Essential Steps
Here are the top 10 things you should do before embarking on your first parents-only vacation.
Here is Why Legal Guardianship Matters
What exactly does it entail to hold the title of Legal Guardian?
Do I Need a Will to Designate a Guardian for My Children?
Haven't gotten around to creating a will? You can designate a guardian without one in many states.
What Happens if I Die Without Nominating a Guardian for my Children?
It's not the most uplifting thought, but planning ahead is so critical.
The Ultimate Checklist for Single Moms: Protecting Your Kids with Legal Guardianship
Why legal Guardianship is so important for single moms
Five Questions to Ask Yourself When Selecting a Guardian for Your Children
While it's a topic no one enjoys thinking about, it's crucial for your peace of mind and your kids’ future.
Are Godparents a Legal Thing?
Godparents do not automatically assume legal guardianship
Five Questions to Ask Yourself When Selecting a Guardian for Your Children
While it's a topic no one enjoys thinking about, it's crucial for your peace of mind and your kids’ future.
Considering Going Back to School as a Mom? Go for it.
To all moms considering returning to school later in their careers, know that it is absolutely possible and can be an incredibly rewarding journey. Here's why.
What Actually Happens if you Don't Designate a Guardian?
What happens if you don't designate a guardian for your children.
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